SFMF | Do you have a list of Reputable Solo Ad Vendors I Can Buy Traffic From?

The reason why we do not provide a specific list of reputable solo ad vendors for a very valid reason and this reason is based on how the solo ads industry actually works.

See those vendors, they can be good vendors today and bad vendors next week.

It all depends on how many new subscribers they add to their list daily, how well they treat that list, and most importantly how do they engage their audience and how frequently do they do so.

Given  all these different criteria which determines the traits of a good solo ad vendor, these traits can fluctuate per vendor from time to time.

Maybe a vendor decided to not care for a week about their list. This can result in a dip in the quality of their list which can affect the results of a solo ad run.

This is why Mike in the training always emphasizes on buying small solo ad packages and always testing out different vendors.

This resource will help you in buying better solo ads traffic:


The key here is generating a list, and then sending them follow-up emails on consistent basis.. This is how you build residual income through a continuous momentum of leads and followups. Some of us staff members follow what Mike teaches too and we can attest it works when done with persistency.