SFMF PRO | CookieBot Monthly Scan Report emails. What To Do With It?

The full question we get asked is:

I keep getting monthly scan report emails from Cookiebot informing me that some of the cookies on my website are uncategorized and unclassified, what should I do?


Every month Cookiebot scans your website and sends you a report for all the cookies and trackers that are showing up on your website.

If they find new cookies on your website that are not yet categorized under the categories, they would usually classify them when they send you your monthly report.

They will also tell you about the unclassified cookies they found on your website so that if you know what they are, you can log into your account and classify them yourself.

Either way, they are displayed and declare whether they are classified to your visitors.

So even if you leave them to be, eventually, Cookiebot will classify them for you once they know what they are.

So when you get these emails every month about unclassified cookies or uncategorized cookies, you can ignore the emails, and you will be just fine and just let Cookiebot do its job of classifying them for you overtime.